Policies and strategic documents

This section contains the key policies and strategies that enable residents to understand the operational structure of Lewes Town Council, its processes and objectives.


Communications Strategy

Memorial Bench Policy

Beekeeping on Council Allotments

Animal Welfare, Safety and Responsibility Policy

Climate emergency policy

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion policy


Freedom of Information Disclosure Log


Annual Investment Strategy for 2024 to 25

Corporate Risk Management Strategy for 2024 to 2025

Lewes Town Council Standing Orders for 2024 to 2025

Scheme of Delegation for 2024 to 2025

Landport Bottom Management Plan

Statement of principals – council vision

Statement of Community Engagement

Code of Conduct for councillors

Communications policy

Code of Practice on handling complaints


Reserves policy for 2024 to 2025

Anti-fraud policy


Financial Regulations for 2024 to 2025

Councillor Membership of Outside Bodies

Training policy

Dignity at work policy

Health and safety at work policy

Freedom of Information statement


Town Hall Hire Charges 2024 to 2025

Flag Flying Policy

Venue Hire Terms and Conditions 2023

Malling Community Centre Hire Charges 2023-24

All Saints Centre Hire Charges 2023-24