
Planning committee bus station disussion minutes published

The minutes for the meeting of Lewes Town Council’s Planning Committee, including discussion of the plans submitted for the Bus Station site have been published.

The committee strongly objected to the plans put forward for the Bus Station site. In considering the planning application, members of the planning committee referred to several policies from the South Downs National Park Local Plan and the Lewes Town Council Neighbourhood plan, particularly those around affordable housing, sustainable transport and the environment, and agreed the proposed plans for the site contravened those policies. The committee also took in the meaning of the new status as an Asset of Community Value to help to come to their decision.

Please note: Although the Town Council’s Planning Committee is not empowered to decide planning matters, it is a statutory consultee and the South Downs National Park, as the Planning Authority, is required by law to consider the Committee’s comments on local applications and to give them due recognition in reaching its final decision.

The full minutes of the meeting can be found on our website.