
South Downs National Park Authority Planning Committee to decide on former Bus Station site on September 8 – watch online

A meeting of the South Downs National Park Authority (SDNPA) Planning Committee will be held on Thursday 8 September at 10am at the South Downs National Park Authority Memorial Hall in Midhurst, as well as being broadcast online.

At this meeting the application by the Generator Group to develop the former Bus Station site in Lewes town centre will be discussed and a decision on whether to approve or reject the application is likely to be taken.

All are welcome to attend the meeting, however if you are unable to attend in person, you can watch the meeting via livestream which you can access on the Authority website. Members of the public are able to watch Authority meetings and committee meeting live online, or for up to 6 months after each meeting.

The Mayor of Lewes, Councillor Shirley Sains says “This is an important meeting concerning Lewes town and Lewes Town Council is happy that there is the option for everybody to watch online, particularly given how much work local residents have put into making their voices heard about this application.”

The agenda and meeting papers for the SDNPA Planning Committee meeting on the 8 September 2022 have been published on the Authority website. Any updates for this meeting will be included on the update sheet, which will be available on the same page by the close of business on September 7.

Key dates:

  • 1 September – agenda published
  • 5 September, 12pm – deadline to register to speak at the meeting
  • 7 September – final updates to the meeting agenda by close of business
  • 8 September, 10am – meeting takes place