
Have your say – The Phoenix

The consultation period for The Phoenix planning application is currently open until 26 May

Human Nature (Lewes) Ltd has submitted a planning application to the South Downs National Park Authority for the redevelopment of the North Street Industrial Estate and Springman House, in North Street, Lewes.

The proposals are phased. One element of the consultation relates to proposals for full planning permission to demolish existing buildings, construct flood defences, highways improvements, and the construction of buildings, of up to five storeys, to provide 44 dwellings.

Additionally, outline planning permission is being sought for further phases that would include buildings of up to six storeys comprising 656 dwellings, as well as up to 3,279m2 business, employment and flexible workspace.

The outline plans propose new parking provisions focusing on a mobility hub off The Causeway, highway improvements, including a realignment of North Street and Phoenix Place, a recycling and re-use centre, and construction of a new footbridge over the River Ouse and a riverside pedestrian walkway.


Viewing the plans

The full planning application can be viewed online via the South Downs National Park public access system, by searching for reference SDNP/23/00526/OUT.

The plans are also available to view at Lewes Town Hall from 09:00 to 16:00, Monday to Friday.

The full application includes a lot of supporting documents. If you’re looking for an overview of the full scheme, the Design and Access Statement is a great place to start. As well as being available on the public access system and at the Town Hall, a copy is included below for your convenience.


Public comments

Any member of the public can submit comments on the plans via the South Downs National Park public access system until 26 May 2023 (extended from 21 April). Comments submitted this way are the best way to have your say, as these will be considered by the South Downs National Park when they make a decision. Comments left in other places, such as petition websites, do not have to be considered.


Lewes Town Council’s Role

Lewes Town Council is a Statutory Consultee for planning applications within the parish of Lewes. This means that the council has no decision making power, but can submit official comments that have to be considered by the South Downs National Park Authority. These comments are discussed and agreed at a meeting of the town council’s Planning and Conservation Committee before they are submitted.

The Phoenix application was discussed at the Planning and Conservation Committee meeting on 5 April 2023, held in the Corn Exchange at the Town Hall at 19:00. The comments submitted by the Town Council to the South Downs National Park Authority can be found in the ‘Documents’ section of the application on the SDNPA Public Access System. You can also download a copy here:

Lewes Town Council’s Comments


Design and Access Statement

The Design and Access Statement forms part of the planning application submitted by developers Human Nature (Lewes) Ltd. If you’ve not looked at planning applications before, this is a good place to start to get an overview of the proposed scheme.