Fishing in the Pells Lake

The Town Council issues permits for limited fishing at the Pells Lake during the open season, usually between 16 June and 15 March.

You will need to hold a current Environment Agency rod license, which must be available for inspection at any time by any employee of the Town Council or one of its representatives.

To get a permit, you can apply online or come to the Town Hall reception with your rod license. You will need to sign an agreement and privacy notice before paying for and receiving your permit, which will last for the whole season. If you have any queries please contact us.

Fishing permit prices

Prices for the 2024 to 2025 season are:

  • For adults, £8.25
  • For juniors (ages 13 to 18), £4.80
  • For over 65s, £4.80
  • For children under 13, there is no cost. Under 13s do not need to have an Environment Agency rod licence, but do need to be issued a Pells permit
  • For the disabled or unemployed there is no cost, but please show an order books or incapacity benefit as well as your rod license

Rules and regulations

The following general rules must also be adhered to at all times:

  • This permit does not absolve the Licensee from obtaining any other licence to fish that may be required pursuant to any other statutes, regulations or byelaws in force and applicable to the Pells waters. An Environment Agency Rod Licence, which can be obtained from the Post Office, is also required. All the terms and conditions of the licence must be complied with.
  • This permit is granted to the Licensee personally and is not transferable to any other person and must be produced on demand to any fisheries bailiff, Police Officer or Officer of Lewes Town Council.
  • Fishing is limited to the period from sunrise to sunset.
  • Only non-toxic shot and weights and barbless hooks may be used.
  • No floating baits allowed.
  • All luncheon meat and meat baits must be placed in a plastic container as no tins are allowed.
  • No fishing lines shall be left unattended.
  • Maximum of two rods per person.
  • All anglers must use a disgorger; landing net must be of a “knotless” type construction and, when unhooking, fish should not be in contact with the tarmac or gravel surface. Every effort must be made to avoid injury to fish.
  • Except with the prior consent in writing of the undersigned, competition fishing is not allowed.
  • Except in the exercise of any legal rights, no motor vehicles are to be taken onto the immediate areas surrounding the fishing grounds to which this licence relates.
  • The Licensee must not leave litter, including the lines and other items of fishing tackle, in the Waters, or in the immediate areas surrounding such fishing grounds, and no damage shall be caused to their banks or to any trees or fences in the vicinity.
  • The Licensee shall not interfere or cause harm to any wildfowl.
  • The Licensee shall not play any radio, musical or similar instrument to the annoyance of any other person using the banks of the Pells Waters.
  • The Licensee shall not permit any pet under his/her control to cause annoyance to wildfowl or to any person using the banks of the Pells Waters.
  • The Licensee shall not light any fires on the banks of the Pells Waters or in the immediate vicinity and no guns or other firearms shall be carried.
  • That all fish caught in the Pells Waters must be returned to the water straight away.
  • The Licensee shall comply with all local byelaws pertaining to the Pells Waters.
  • Every person who infringes the terms of this Permit shall be liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding £100.
  • Unhooking mats must be used.
  • No Keep Nets allowed.