Communication and Engagement Committee


Matthew Bird

James Herbert

Edwina Livesey Vice chair

Dr Wendy Maples Chair

Dinah Morgan

Nicky Blackwell

Richard Burrows

Emily Clarke

Kevin West


Shall meet six times a year (bi-monthly), shall consist of nine members, have a quorum of four and be delegated to make decisions on behalf of the Council in the following matters:


  • Lead on Communication
  • Consider civic activities/local democracy matters
  • Coordinate Town Council events
  • Engage in community engagement and partnership working
  • Make resolutions regarding town twinning
  • Promote community development
  • Promote sustainable community wealth building and links to local businesses
  • Promote tourism and heritage opportunities where relevant
  • Carry out public consultation exercises to inform the strategy and policy of the council ensuring whole community engagement
  • Active encouragement and promotion of the arts in Lewes parish, and
  • Liaison with relevant community groups and other key stakeholders

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