
Lewes Town Council’s current committees and working parties are listed on this page where you can see our committee calendar, as well as agendas and minutes for meetings.

Prior to the start of the current administration in May 2023, there were a number of other committees and working parties. You can find details and documents from these on our Historical Committees page.

Annual Town Meeting

The Annual Town Meeting is not a council meeting, but a meeting of the town’s electors. It provides an opportunity for the council to update residents on the council’s activities undertaken during the preceding year, and for electors to attend, speak and ask questions of the council and about matters relevant to the town.

Buildings and Amenities Committee

Meeting six times annually, this committee has delegated authority to make decisions on council property and buildings, outdoor spaces, amenities and allotments.

Buildings and Amenities Sub-Committee

The Buildings and Amenities Committee recognise the amount of repair and maintenance work required at the All Saints Centre, the Malling Centre and the Town Hall. To this end and to enable decisions and priorities to be established the Buildings and Amenities Committee agreed to form a Sub Committee with the purpose of prioritising work required at all three buildings. Membership shall comprise of 4 members and the meeting quorate shall be 2. The committee will appoint a chair. The relevant officers will attend these meetings to advise members of the work required, urgency of work require and any priorities.

Communication and Engagement Committee

Shall meet six times a year (bi-monthly), shall consist of nine members, have a quorum of four and be delegated to make decisions on behalf of the Council in the following matters:  
  • Lead on Communication
  • Consider civic activities/local democracy matters
  • Coordinate Town Council events
  • Engage in community engagement and partnership working
  • Make resolutions regarding town twinning
  • Promote community development
  • Promote sustainable community wealth building and links to local businesses
  • Promote tourism and heritage opportunities where relevant
  • Carry out public consultation exercises to inform the strategy and policy of the council ensuring whole community engagement
  • Active encouragement and promotion of the arts in Lewes parish, and
  • Liaison with relevant community groups and other key stakeholders

Finance Committee

Meeting six times annually, this committee has delegated authority to make decisions on the council's financial affairs, including budgeting, audit and governance, contracts, financial policies and risk management.

Full Council

Lewes Town Council is the most local form of government for the civil parish of Lewes. It is a statutory body consisting of eighteen representatives who are elected every four years.

Personnel Committee

Meeting six times annually, this committee has delegated authority to make decisions on issues of HR, staffing, contracts and recruitment. A Grievance Sub-committee may also be convened if required.

Planning Committee

Meeting on a monthly basis in-line with the planning authority’s diary, this committee has delegated authority to make decisions on planning matters, including responding to planning applications on behalf of the council in its role as a statutory consultee.

Upcoming meetings

Public attendance at Lewes Town Council meetings

Members of the public have the right, and are welcome, to attend meetings of the council and its committees and working parties.

Lewes Town Council is always willing to listen to the public concerning matters which affect the town of Lewes and allows any member of the public to address the council or its committees. Questions regarding items on the agenda or requests to address the committee may be heard at the start of each meeting, with the chair’s consent, subject to time available. A period of 15 minutes is allowed at each of the committee meetings for the public to address the council. Where possible, notice of intention to address the council should be given to the Town Clerk with at least 24 hours notice.

Questions are often asked about matters that are not within the remit of Lewes Town Council. This can delay a response, so if you are intending to ask a question, we would recommend that you check what services Lewes Town Council, Lewes District Council and East Sussex County Council cover before asking your question. This information can be found on the what we do page of this website with services covered by the District and County Councils at the bottom of the page.

For more information on attending public meetings and asking questions at meetings, please contact us.