Planning Committee


Dr Janet Baah

Matthew Bird

Imogen Makepeace Chair

Adrian Ross

Kevin West

Edwina Livesey Vice chair

James Gardiner

Jonathan Vernon

Dirk Campbell


Shall meet on a monthly cycle (in line with the planning authority’s diary), shall consist of eleven Members, all members shall receive training in the Council’s role as the statutory planning consultee, plus have a quorum of five, and shall be delegated to make decisions on behalf of the Council in the following matters:

  • to comment on behalf of the Council on all planning and licensing applications and consultations relevant and in the Lewes parish area, received from the local planning authority (South Downs National Park), and submit responses promptly (see appendix 1), including those adjacent to Lewes Town Council area and any development outside the town boundaries which or would have an impact on the town; (including listed building, conservation area consents, consents for advertisement displays etc) and appeals;
  • to comment on behalf of the Council on Local Plans, Structure Plans, Mineral Plans, Waste Plans, Regional Plans and any other Plan or Studies or consultations as considered appropriate, including routine transport issues and provide input to s.106 agreements or the equivalent;
  • to comment on and make recommendations regarding all highways and parking issues within the town including waiting restrictions on consultation with the Advisory Group (see below);
  • consider and hold meetings with residents, community groups, developers or planning officers to assist with the formulation of observations and comments for any requests for pre-application discussions with any developer at Committee meetings and make a response on behalf of Council;
  • review planning policy and procedures and make recommendations to Council to ensure that the council is able to meet any additional requirements of the planning process;
  • to receive, and where appropriate, respond to notifications on planning appeals including responses to the Planning Inspectorate;
  • to receive, and where appropriate, respond to consultations;
  • monitor and take appropriate action on planning issues in the neighbouring areas that could impact on the Town including infrastructure implications and new road schemes concerning the Town;
  • to take the necessary action to refer enforcement or breach of planning permissions matters to the planning authority when such matters are brought to the attention of the Council and to pursue such matters until a conclusion has been reached;
  • respond to street naming requests;
  • any other matter which may be delegated to it by Council relevant to the Committee’s Terms of Reference from time to time;
  • comment on, monitor and request Tree Preservation Orders in liaison with the Tree Warden;
  • liaise with partner agencies regarding highways, footpaths and waterways;
  • be responsible to Council for any action in respect of conservation.

Due to timescales, planning applications may be referred to Full Town Council meetings for comments and at the relevant agenda item(s) will be chaired by the Chair of the Planning Committee

Agendas and Minutes


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